So It's a friday night at like 12 am. and to the people that say oh it's 12 AM then it's morning, no it's not.
They wouldn't call it midnight if it wasn't in the middle of the night so give up already. Somebody somewhere who decided to make that morning.. they f***'d up. Quicksilver pro is on. But I'm not watching it cus Dane already lost out. The fight for computer's go on. Pat want's his back but when I'm here the likeliness of that happening is close to none. Grom beatings are being handed out as appropriate.
So since this is the first actual day of the blog being made and nobody is going to read this anyways, I really don't even know why I'm typing right now. But shortly we'll have a video up of Pat's vengeance in trying to conquer his laptop which I'm typing on right now. Hunger churns in my belly and there's sure to be stale pizza in the kitchen that I'm about to
scoop on.
So for now on I'm going to do a term, or word of the week.
This week,
Kane's term of the week is: "Scoop on" Scooping on is basically taking the scraps, or stealing something before someone else can. You've prolly heard it alot if you hang out, or know the group of guys I hang out with. Because they have a tendency of passing girls around. But, the solution to that would be if you gave us more hott girls in Ventura we wouldn't have to pass you around..